Python Examples

MFE Prediction (flat interface)

import RNA

# The RNA sequence

# compute minimum free energy (MFE) and corresponding structure
(ss, mfe) = RNA.fold(seq)

# print output
print("{}\n{} [ {:6.2f} ]".format(seq, ss, mfe))

MFE Prediction (object oriented interface)

import RNA;


# create new fold_compound object
fc = RNA.fold_compound(sequence)

# compute minimum free energy (mfe) and corresponding structure
(ss, mfe) = fc.mfe()

# print output
print("{} [ {:6.2f} ]".format(ss, mfe))

Suboptimal Structure Prediction

import RNA

sequence = "GGGGAAAACCCC"

# Set global switch for unique ML decomposition
RNA.cvar.uniq_ML = 1

subopt_data = { 'counter' : 1, 'sequence' : sequence }

# Print a subopt result as FASTA record
def print_subopt_result(structure, energy, data):
    if not structure == None:
        print(">subopt {:d}".format(data['counter']))
        print("{}\n{} [{:6.2f}]".format(data['sequence'], structure, energy))
        # increase structure counter
        data['counter'] = data['counter'] + 1

# Create a 'fold_compound' for our sequence
a = RNA.fold_compound(sequence)

# Enumerate all structures 500 dacal/mol = 5 kcal/mol arround
# the MFE and print each structure using the function above
a.subopt_cb(500, print_subopt_result, subopt_data);

Boltzmann Sampling (a.k.a. Probabilistic Backtracing)

import RNA


def store_structure(s, data):
    A simple callback function that stores
    a structure sample into a list
    if s:

First we prepare a fold_compound object

# create model details
md =

# activate unique multibranch loop decomposition
md.uniq_ML = 1

# create fold compound object
fc = RNA.fold_compound(sequence, md)

# compute MFE
(ss, mfe) = fc.mfe()

# rescale Boltzmann factors according to MFE

# compute partition function to fill DP matrices

Now we are ready to perform Boltzmann sampling

# 1. backtrace a single sub-structure of length 10

# 2. backtrace a single sub-structure of length 50

# 3. backtrace multiple sub-structures of length 10 at once
for s in fc.pbacktrack5(20, 10):

# 4. backtrace multiple sub-structures of length 50 at once
for s in fc.pbacktrack5(100, 50):

# 5. backtrace a single structure (full length)

# 6. backtrace multiple structures at once
for s in fc.pbacktrack(100):

# 7. backtrace multiple structures non-redundantly
for s in fc.pbacktrack(100, RNA.PBACKTRACK_NON_REDUNDANT):

# 8. backtrace multiple structures non-redundantly (with resume option)
num_samples = 500
iterations  = 15
d           = None # pbacktrack memory object
s_list      = []

for i in range(0, iterations):
    d, ss   = fc.pbacktrack(num_samples, d, RNA.PBACKTRACK_NON_REDUNDANT)
    s_list  = s_list + list(ss)

for s in s_list:

# 9. backtrace multiple sub-structures of length 50 in callback mode
ss  = []
i   = fc.pbacktrack5(100, 50, store_structure, ss)

for s in ss:

# 10. backtrace multiple full-length structures in callback mode
ss  = list()
i   = fc.pbacktrack(100, store_structure, ss)

for s in ss:

# 11. non-redundantly backtrace multiple full-length structures in callback mode
ss  = list()
i   = fc.pbacktrack(100, store_structure, ss, RNA.PBACKTRACK_NON_REDUNDANT)

for s in ss:

# 12. non-redundantly backtrace multiple full length structures
# in callback mode with resume option
ss = []
d  = None # pbacktrack memory object

for i in range(0, iterations):
    d, i = fc.pbacktrack(num_samples, store_structure, ss, d, RNA.PBACKTRACK_NON_REDUNDANT)

for s in ss:

# 13. backtrace a single substructure from the sequence interval [10:50]
print("{}".format(fc.pbacktrack_sub(10, 50)))

# 14. backtrace multiple substructures from the sequence interval [10:50]
for s in fc.pbacktrack_sub(100, 10, 50):

# 15. backtrace multiple substructures from the sequence interval [10:50] non-redundantly
for s in fc.pbacktrack_sub(100, 10, 50, RNA.PBACKTRACK_NON_REDUNDANT):

RNAfold -p MEA equivalent


import RNA


# create fold_compound data structure (required for all subsequently applied  algorithms)
fc = RNA.fold_compound(seq)

# compute MFE and MFE structure
(mfe_struct, mfe) = fc.mfe()

# rescale Boltzmann factors for partition function computation

# compute partition function
(pp, pf) =

# compute centroid structure
(centroid_struct, dist) = fc.centroid()

# compute free energy of centroid structure
centroid_en = fc.eval_structure(centroid_struct)

# compute MEA structure
(MEA_struct, MEA) = fc.MEA()

# compute free energy of MEA structure
MEA_en = fc.eval_structure(MEA_struct)

# print everything like RNAfold -p --MEA
print("{}\n{} ({:6.2f})".format(seq, mfe_struct, mfe))
print("{} [{:6.2f}]".format(pp, pf))
print("{} {{{:6.2f} d={:.2f}}}".format(centroid_struct, centroid_en, dist))
print("{} {{{:6.2f} MEA={:.2f}}}".format(MEA_struct, MEA_en, MEA))
print(" frequency of mfe structure in ensemble {:g}; ensemble diversity {:-6.2f}".format(fc.pr_structure(mfe_struct), fc.mean_bp_distance()))

MFE Consensus Structure Prediction

import RNA

# The RNA sequence alignment
sequences = [

# compute the consensus sequence
cons = RNA.consensus(sequences)

# predict Minmum Free Energy and corresponding secondary structure
(ss, mfe) = RNA.alifold(sequences);

# print output
print("{}\n{} [ {:6.2f} ]".format(cons, ss, mfe))

MFE Prediction (deviating from default settings)

import RNA

# The RNA sequence

# create a new model details structure
md =

# change temperature and dangle model
md.temperature = 20.0 # 20 Deg Celcius
md.dangles     = 1    # Dangle Model 1

# create a fold compound
fc = RNA.fold_compound(seq, md)

# predict Minmum Free Energy and corresponding secondary structure
(ss, mfe) = fc.mfe()

# print sequence, structure and MFE
print("{}\n{} [ {:6.2f} ]".format(seq, ss, mfe))

Fun with Soft Constraints

import RNA


# Turn-off dangles globally
RNA.cvar.dangles = 0

# Data structure that will be passed to our MaximumMatching() callback with two components:
# 1. a 'dummy' fold_compound to evaluate loop energies w/o constraints, 2. a fresh set of energy parameters
mm_data = { 'dummy': RNA.fold_compound(seq1), 'params': RNA.param() }

# Nearest Neighbor Parameter reversal functions
revert_NN = { 
    RNA.DECOMP_PAIR_HP:       lambda i, j, k, l, f, p: - f.eval_hp_loop(i, j) - 100,
    RNA.DECOMP_PAIR_IL:       lambda i, j, k, l, f, p: - f.eval_int_loop(i, j, k, l) - 100,
    RNA.DECOMP_PAIR_ML:       lambda i, j, k, l, f, p: - p.MLclosing - p.MLintern[0] - (j - i - k + l - 2) * p.MLbase - 100,
    RNA.DECOMP_ML_ML_STEM:    lambda i, j, k, l, f, p: - p.MLintern[0] - (l - k - 1) * p.MLbase,
    RNA.DECOMP_ML_STEM:       lambda i, j, k, l, f, p: - p.MLintern[0] - (j - i - k + l) * p.MLbase,
    RNA.DECOMP_ML_ML:         lambda i, j, k, l, f, p: - (j - i - k + l) * p.MLbase,
    RNA.DECOMP_ML_ML_ML:      lambda i, j, k, l, f, p: 0,
    RNA.DECOMP_ML_UP:         lambda i, j, k, l, f, p: - (j - i + 1) * p.MLbase,
    RNA.DECOMP_EXT_STEM:      lambda i, j, k, l, f, p: - f.eval_ext_stem(k, l),
    RNA.DECOMP_EXT_EXT:       lambda i, j, k, l, f, p: 0,
    RNA.DECOMP_EXT_STEM_EXT:  lambda i, j, k, l, f, p: - f.eval_ext_stem(i, k),
    RNA.DECOMP_EXT_EXT_STEM:  lambda i, j, k, l, f, p: - f.eval_ext_stem(l, j),

# Maximum Matching callback function (will be called by RNAlib in each decomposition step)
def MaximumMatching(i, j, k, l, d, data):
    return revert_NN[d](i, j, k, l, data['dummy'], data['params'])

# Create a 'fold_compound' for our sequence
fc = RNA.fold_compound(seq1)

# Add maximum matching soft-constraints
fc.sc_add_data(mm_data, None)

# Call MFE algorithm
(s, mm) = fc.mfe()

# print result
print("{}\n{} (MM: {:d})".format(seq1, s, int(-mm)))